Single Byte X0r ~ Traboda Crypto Challenge Write Up

Srikesh Ravikumar
1 min readJun 22, 2021

Challenge Description :

Given a hex encoded string: 1314190e1c1001024a0825194e145d0e251849251f4e091316032518084a11491407The above string has been Xored against a single character ‘z’.Decode it to a meaningful sentence and get the flag.

Challenge Link :

Flag Format : inctfj{flag_here}

We are given a hex encoded string. Lets decode it in a Python terminal by executing..


Store the resultant output into a variable named enc. Lets decode the output string by using z as X0r key. This can be done by executing

"".join(chr(ord(i) ^ ord('z')) for i in enc)

Executing the above line of command will give us the required flag.

The flag is inctfj{x0r_c4n’t_b3_e4sily_br0k3n}

Intro to Traboda : Traboda is an Cybersecurity Edutech from which provides 200+ challenges from various categories and competitions with difficulty ranging from beginners to experts.

